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Tag: FreedomStruggle

Khudiram Bose: A Real Hero

Khudiram was an Indian nationalist who was born on 03 December 1889 in the small village of Habibpur, which is a part of the...

Biography of an Unsung Hero Rani Gaidinliu: The Unsung Heroine of...

In the annals of India's freedom struggle, several heroes have been forgotten or overlooked, their contributions relegated to the dusty pages of...

Biography of an Unsung Hero: Matangini Hazra

In the tapestry of India's freedom struggle, there are threads that shimmer brightly but are often overshadowed by more prominent figures. Among...

Biography of Sheikh Formud Ali: An Unsung Muslim Freedom Fighter from...

Sheikh Formud Ali remains a somewhat lesser-known figure in the annals of India's freedom struggle, particularly within the context of Assam and...

MANTANGINI HAZRA – The Forgotten Fighter

MANTANGINI HAZRA - The Forgotten Fighter ‘Unsung heroes don't seek glory; their virtuous deeds speak louder than praise.’ India’s...