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It is easy to tell about mortal reality. But it is not easy to explain exactly about the immortal universe. Knowledge is not limited as we think about just a specific field which we are doing a degree in. The degree is just telling how many classes we have done, not about the complete knowledge. Mortal reality is that which exists in front of us. This world where we survive today is mortal reality only. All the things and knowledge around in this world is also a mortal truth for us. All living things from insects to human beings are mortal truths of reality on this Earth. We live life and breath and fulfil our needs. We get up early in the morning for life survival and go out from home for these life needs. Animals, birds, insects and other species get out from the home to find food as well. We use our brains and innovate things which we think of. All these truths and workings of living things are for the survival of life. This is the mortal reality which we should accept.

Immortal reality is that which is not in front of us. It is that reality that is not easy for us to see and live in forever. Immortal truth is just  A LOVE  OF  GOD (ALLAH). Where is just living forever not living things of this mortal world? Immortal means those worlds which live forever after the death of human beings. The souls of dead people alive in the immortal world. But the body does not exist because the body lives in the grave. The Dead body is in the grave which stays in this mortal world. Immortal truth is linked with humans only through humans’ hearts. The heart is the main source of link between mortal and immortal worlds. The immortal universe is that as well where Angels, souls, evils, witches and ghosts etc are lived. In this place, there are different types of places where all these creatures are living. On the other hand, if we talk about ALLAH  then His throne is above all these places and creatures. His throne is above all mortal things and He is considered to be  Greatest from all mortal truth. Mortal is all about just the limit of things that are in front of us. Immortal reality is not easy for our mind to understand completely. This truth is above our brains to understand.

LOVE  for example is the main link between these two universes. Love is the strongest feeling in the heart. Love is present in both worlds. Love with God is true and the Love of God with creation is also true. Love is not easy to understand. We can see it in this mortal world as well. Love can happen with anyone but love cannot be understood by cultures, values, norms and traditions of societies. When people don’t accept love between two persons then they stand against them. But the laws of the country gave them justice and they married at last. Allah loves those who understand innocent truth.

Immortal reality is total understanding and recognizing your true GOD. Allah is the Greatest and Controller of both worlds. The messages given by Prophets and the messages of all types of religion are only around to recognize your GOD. All types of prayers of every religion get around to recognize YOUR GOD. Orders are only can give that one who has strong hold power on these worlds. Immortal truth already exists for billions of years. Mortal truth is only created to all living things that how much they understand the immortal truth through the mortal reality. All types of knowledge are also around the only immortal truth. Prophets are saying the messages which come from immortal truth to open the eyes of mortal one. The heart is the main source of power to understand the reality of both worlds. Time is like having a limit to show us that everything has its end one day. Immortal truth world has no time considered to end. It is endless and limitless which has already been created by GOD. GOD is not Created by anyone this is true which says by religions as well. It is not easy for us to understand Him properly. It is not really our job as well to think about GOD. Our mind cannot think about the level of prophets who are great from us. Our level of minds are small to understand completely, as astronomers of NASA even cannot explore complete knowledge of this universe outside of Earth.



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