Page 42 - Mousumi
P. 42
Overcome your fear, or if you want to here I’m telling you to tell people
be a bit braver, best your fear and about yourselves, I mean they both
make new friends. If you get rejected, are in striking contrast. But just think
don’t fret, there are millions of people about it, how weird would it be to
who can be friends with you. have a friend who you know
Be more social and enjoy everything about but your friend
people doesn’t know anything about. He or
She will certainly think you’re a bit
weird always listening to their life but
If you are very social and enjoy the
company of people, get ready to be not yours. So after your friend speaks,
tell a bit about yourself. Find
lifted on people’s shoulders and
paraded around the ground. This common links between both of you
attitude attracts people. Who doesn’t that can steer your relationship into
want to be with a guy who’s really heaven.
social and friendly, I mean, everybody
So here are the remarkable tips that
wants to be around him/her. So, just
be a little friendlier and polish your can make you a nirvana of joy that
comes from the heart-warming beings
social side and get ready to go on the
voyage of making new friends and called friends. Never fear about
shifting, although I’m sure you’ll miss
you can be 100% sure you’ll return
your old buddies and the sorrow from
with tons of new friends.
that relationship being dismantled can
make you struggle in making new
Listen to people speak about
So, try to video call or write a letter to
I know people bragging and speaking your old pals and the happiness of
amazing things about themselves finally listening to your longstanding
might be mind-numbingly boring but chums can let you start a new journey
this is something that can be the key down Friendship Avenue. I end this
to the puzzle of making friends. article by quoting myself,
Everybody on this planet affectionate
themselves and grabs the opportunity
of speaking about themselves. So put “Friendship is one of the few
on the smiley face and be interested in things that will always remain by
him/her and soon you’ll see how your side, omnipresent and
much he/she’ll like your pleasant omnipotent, ready to help you
company. anytime.”
Tell people about yourselves
know that up there I told you to hear
your brand-new friend boasting and
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