Page 47 - Mousumi
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                    In  a  bowl  or  a  jar,  take  coconut  oil
                    and smoothen it. You can also heat it        Other  important  uses  or  benefits  of
                    if  you  want.  To  this,  add  the          this  homemade  vapour  rub  are  as
                    mentioned  essential  oils  and  whip  it    follows:
                    up  so  that  they  mix  up  nicely.  You    • Treat acne
                    can  also  use  a  mixer  to  prepare  this   • Deter insects
                    mixture.  Once  it  is  ready,  take  this   •  Reduce  the  appearance  of  stretch
                    mixture and transfer it to a jar, secure     marks
                    it  and  store  it  in  a  cool  place,  away   • Heal your feet
                    from  direct  sunlight.  The  naturally      • Fade brushing
                    prepared  rub  is  safe  to  use  for  5-6   • Treat scrapes and burns
                    months. You can use it anytime when          • Alleviate headaches
                    you are ill.                                 • Ease muscle soreness

                    Benefits:                                    Treat acne:
                    For sensitive skin, other vapour rubs        If  you  have  eczema  or  acne,  one  of
                    can  be  harsh  and  lead  to  a  reaction.   the important uses for this homemade
                    This  DIY  rub  includes  natural            vapour  rub  is  to  soothe  skin,  to
                    benefits that suit most skin types.          reduce  inflammation  and  clear  up
                    One  main  ingredient  in  this  rub  is     your  complexion.  This  is  due  to  the
                    eucalyptus  essential  oil  which  acts  as   peppermint oil which is known for its
                    an    expectorant    to    deal   with       antibacterial  and  anti-inflammatory
                    respiratory  issues.  It  opens  the         agents.  However,  just  like  any  DIY
                    phlegm  as  well.  Plus,  it  has            skincare  tip  (toothpaste  on  a  pimple
                    antimicrobial  properties  just  like  tea   anyone?),  I  suggest  taking  this  one
                    tree oil which can get rid of allergens      with a grain of salt. This vapour rub
                    and  pollutants  adding  to  your            made with essential oils and while it’s
                    irritation.                                  great for keeping wounds moist (and
                    The  presence  of  lemon  essential  oil     acne  lesions  are  technically  wounds),
                    which is loaded with potent vitamin C        it  could  be  the  cause  of  breakouts,
                    is  another  added  benefit  of  this        according  to  American  Academy  of
                    vapour  rub.  Lavender  in  the  mixture     Dermatology.
                    can  help  you  sleep  better  while
                    peppermint  oil  with  its  helpful          Deter insects:
                    antibacterial    and     pain-relieving      I  am  a  fan  of  this  vapour  rub  but
                    properties  can  act  down  on  any          insects  decidedly  are  not.  Dab  a  few
                    inflammation (injury). It is also added      our arms, legs, neck or other areas of
                    to  market bought concoctions which          exposed skin to keep bugs (including
                    provides a cooling effect. Individually,     mosquitoes) at bay. However, it is not
                    all  these  added  oils  carry  medical      as  effective  at  preventing  bites  as  a
                    benefits but together, they become a         commercial insect repellent.
                    strong  antidote  for  your  health

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