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                    Human Development (129th); Global            countries  education  system  better,
                    Hunger  (102nd);  World  Inequality          by:-
                    (147th) and Gender Gap (108th). All
                    these indexes reflect that overall level     Providing                 Vocational
                    of  Indian  society  is  not  up  to  the    Education          and      Training
                    mark.                                        (VET)          and        skill-based

                    Furthermore, on      perimeters      of      learning:
                                                                 This  is  a  type  of  technical  training
                    national development, we will identify
                    that  unemployment  rate  in  India  is      given to the students which help them
                                                                 develop  additional  skills  during
                    27.1%  (Economic  Times,  20th  May
                    2020)  and  people  living  below  the       finding  jobs  after  getting  educated.
                    poverty  line  are  22%  of  total           Although  the  website  of  CBSE  tells
                                                                 us  that  40  vocational  courses  are
                    population  (S.  T.  Committee  report
                    2012). India is also lacking behind in       running in India, even AICTE claims
                                                                 that VET is an integral part of Indian
                    PPP  (purchasing  power)  and average
                    basic income of citizens.                    curriculum  as  per  NCF  2005  but
                                                                 being  a  teacher,  I  should  claim  that
                                                                 these  things  are  only  on  paper  and
                    According  to  many  experts  and
                    graduates  of  IIMs  and  government         present  in  a  handful  of  schools  in
                                                                 India.  Courses  like  stenography  and
                    researchers, the  root  cause  which  is
                    hampering       India’s    educational       computer  application,  accountancy
                    development  from  years  is  its  failure   and     auditing,    marketing     with
                                                                 salesmanship will surely help students
                    in rural areas. India is more rural and
                    less urban. According to government          find  jobs  after  school  and  colleges.
                    data  of  2018,  India’s  65.97%  of  the    Special  provisions  for  these  courses
                    population    is   living    in   rural      should  be  made  in  all  government
                    areas, whereas,  34%  of  people  are        schools. This will also develop various
                                                                 types  of  skills  in  students  which  will
                    residing in urban India.
                                                                 help  them  in  choosing  their  career

                    Although,  I  know  that  there  is  a
                    proper channel of hierarchy present in
                    the educational system (centre to the        Being more practical and local
                    state  to  the  region  to  block  to        than theoretical:
                    panchayat level). But, if anyone wants       Leading  newspapers  of  our  country
                    to  find  a  solution  to  the  educational   say  that  by  the  method  of  rote
                    problem  in  India,  he  should  look        learning, Indian educational system is
                    towards        management          and       producing  ‘zombies’  in  schools.
                    implementation              limitations,     Policies  like  ABL  (Activity  Based
                    particularly at school level (that too in    Learning),  learning  by  doing,  MLL
                    government  schools). I  have  merged        (Minimum  Level  of  Learning)  and
                    all of my points into 8 particular and       experimentation  based  learning  are
                    important  ones. We  can  make  our          only on the papers. These techniques,

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