Page 33 - Mousumi
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and also speed up signs of ageing a person must be to exercise at least
which will make them look older than 30 minutes daily. You must aim to do
their age. Another issue is that there a single set of each exercise and use a
will be less flow of blood and oxygen weight which can be resisted and
to the brain and this may lead to heavy enough to tire your muscles.
malfunctioning of the body systems. Like we say without food and water
Last but not the least, which I think is we can’t live; the same thing applies
the greatest issue; it will make you feel to the exercise. People must focus on
unhappy, destroy your mood quickly the exercise that produces the right
and increase feelings of depression amount of movement of our body
and stress. organs and muscles that keep us fit
and maintain our overall health and
To end all the problems and issues wellness with proper instructions
and to get a healthy body and get rid from the experts.
of the obesity, the following measures
should be taken. People should These four types of exercise can be
improve their time management and followed stay fit. The first type is the
make a timetable where they get time aerobic exercise which includes
to work, have time to interact with activities like swimming, running,
families and one of the most Zumba, cycling, boxing, biking, quick
important things to do is to do walking and jumping rope. The
adequate exercise. Junk foods should second type of exercise is the strength
be rarely sold and healthy foods exercise like lifting weights, working
should be sold and bought more. with resistance bands, heavy
There should be a change in the price gardening such as digging and
of the junk foods and make healthy shovelling, climbing stairs, push-ups,
food cheaper. People should invest a sit-ups and squats. The third is the
bit in an exercise like going to the balancing exercise like yoga, taichi,
gym or can even make a home gym walking heel to toe and standing on
which will be easier and therefore, one foot and the fourth type is the
would be helpful in time flexibility exercise like palm squeeze,
management. In schools or at home, shoulder rolls and stretching.
children should be taught at an early There is also another type of exercise
age about exercise and should be that will keep be adequate and keep us
encouraged to do adequate exercise or healthy which is called the Tabata
sports activities. exercise.
According to international It is a timed style exercise. In this
department of health and human exercise, you will have to perform 20
service, an adult has to exercise for at seconds of high-intensity exercise, as
least 75-150 minutes a week with a hard as you can, for the entire 20
combination of moderate and seconds. Then rest for 10 seconds
vigorous activity but the main goal of and then repeat this for a total of
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