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                    importantly,  writing  is  a  vital
                    communication skill and enhances the         Just like a car can be accelerated at a
                    personality too. To combat loneliness,       high  speed  once  after  it  is  started.
                    to  share  information,  to  tell  the       Similarly,  daily  habits  can  be
                    stories  and  for  other  essential          developed but, before that, at least an
                    activities, writing plays a vital role; and   attempt  to  start  the  procedure  is
                    it  all  at  the  end  tells  how  much  the   required.  And  then,  slowly  that  step
                    writing  is  important.  Then,  the          will  emerge  out  as  a  habit  if
                    foremost question that arises is “How        performed  diligently.  And  once,  it  is
                    can we have good writing skills?”            transformed  in  a  habit,  then,  a  strict
                                                                 time  in  a  day  can  be  devoted  to
                    To have command on writing, habit is         writing or an arduous task of writing
                    compulsory. It can be said that habit        can  be  performed.  Thus,  whether
                    is  a  mother  who  nourishes  good          beginning  with  small  steps,  but,  the
                    writing skills in her womb. That’s why       beginning is needed.
                    it  is  important  to  make  writing  a
                    habit.                                       Write anything:
                                                                 Writing is imagination. While writing,
                    How to develop a habit?                      everything  is  open  and  there  are  no
                                                                 limits  to  the  creativeness.  Anything
                    Begin with baby steps:                       that  attracts  your  interest  should  be
                    It  is  not  so  easy  to  develop  a  daily   written  daily  to  develop  a  habit.
                    habit   of    writing.   It    requires      Stories,  daily  diary,  political  or
                    motivation and dedication. Therefore,        economic  discussions,  recipe,  bio-
                    before  turning  it  into  an  unbroken      data,  review  etc.,  anything  that
                    daily habit, beginning with small steps      interests  you,  can  be  written.
                    can be a reliable option. Start to write     Anything  which  captures  your  point
                    whenever  it  is  feasible  because          of  interest  can  be  expressed  on  the
                    "something" is better than "nothing".        paper. Try to convey your opinions or
                    At  the  initial  stage,  start  to  use  any   suggestions  about  daily  happenings
                    time that can be  suitable for writing;      on  a  piece  of  paper  in  a  more
                    write on weekends or in leisure time.        organized way.
                    Start to write a small piece of paper.       Writing is like speaking. It is also an
                    Do not directly jump in difficult tasks,     essential  communication  skill.  Try  to
                    begin  with  simple  tasks.  It  will        communicate  through  writing.  Just
                    develop  an  interest,  and  interest  can   like  a  way  we  usually  do  not  think
                    be  a  fruitful  device  to  build  a  daily   about  what  to  say,  similarly,  there  is
                    habit.  In  the  beginning,  everything      no  need  to  ponder  about  what  to
                    seems  to  be  quite  difficult  and         write.  Write  whatever  you  want  or
                    therefore  attracts  the  less  point  of    whatever you can write because when
                    interest.  But,  after  being  involved  in   you  write  something  that  interests
                    that  activity, it  generates  interest and   you, you are more enthusiastic and it
                    encourages the mind to try it again.         becomes a habit gradually.

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