Page 24 - Mousumi
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very high waves, which increases near caused by two mechanisms: the
the land or shore called Tsunami. smashing force of a wall of water
Most tsunamis occur due to traveling at high speed, and the
earthquakes which occurs in destructive power of a large volume
subduction zone, the area where the of water, returns back from the land
plates of the ocean are being enforced and carrying all with it, even if the
into the layer by plate tectonic forces. wave did not look large.
Tsunamis can also be caused by This natural disaster not only results
events such as underwater volcanic in tremendous amount of destruction,
eruptions, underwater landslides, land loss in people, animal life, but also
slumping into the ocean, meteorite brings various new diseases,
impacts on the sea etc. permanent landscape changes.
It is to be noted that all undersea Tsunamis also causes environmental
earthquake does not cause tsunami, destruction by uprooting plants,
the earthquake must cause significant invasion of the salty water affecting
vertical deformation of the seafloor to the salt tolerant-plants, it also affects
cause tsunami. Tsunamis are usually the fertility of agricultural lands,
occurring from shallower and larger contamination of the water bodies.
earthquakes than deeper or smaller The result of Tsunami also affects the
ones. smaller and larger animals. Mostly
TSUNAMI IMPLICATIONS after tsunamis animals are found
To know the implications of hungry, injured, homeless and sick.
Tsunami, lets analyze Tsunami Tsunami not only affects the animals
occurred in Japan on 11th March and other organisms on land but also
2011. A mighty tsunami which brings changes to the animals living in
travelled 800km per hour with waves the water body itself. After the
40m high and caused by an tsunami washes off, many chemicals
earthquake of magnitude of 9.0 not enter the water body and affect it by
only brought tremendous damage to not only polluting it but also by
the land but also killed approximately bringing new diseases to the water
more than 18000 people. The body.
estimated cost of damage is about 300 From the above it is clear that
billion USD, apart from the after Tsunami affects all works of life
effect like, disease, infection, non- including social, geographical,
availability of drinking water, non- psychological, environmental,
availability of electricity, damaged economical life in the affected area
road and non-functional electronic for all living creatures.
communication, damaged buildings SCIENTIFIC DETECTION,
etc. The most significant tsunami PREDITION AND
caused nuclear accidents was the AWARENESS
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power It is now clear that the natural disaster
Plant accident. like tsunami cannot be prevented but
In case of tsunami, the destruction is can be predicted to minimize the loss
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