Page 30 - Mousumi
P. 30
remember that it is important to not
Write everywhere: break the chain; we will have to keep
It is a difficult task to maintain daily writing everywhere – wherever we
habits due to different circumstances are. And, if we will not break the
that happen abruptly in our lives. chain then it will become, what we
Travelling, attending parties, doing want, our firm habit.
overtime work are some of the
prevalent and common instances but See hurdles as an asset:
we should understand that just as it is The biggest hurdle in achieving
useless to think about what we should anything is giving attention to the
write, similarly it is futile to think hurdles itself. When we make any
where to write because writing is a daily habit and attempts to practice it
flexible activity which can be done daily, hurdles surely come in different
anywhere effortlessly. Garrison forms.
Keiller has said “I can write anywhere.
I write in airports. I write on Whether we have a lack of time to
aeroplanes. I've written in the back write or there is something that
seats of taxis. I write in hotel rooms. I distracts us. But to be actively
love hotel rooms. I just write engaged in a habit, either we will have
wherever I am, whenever I need to to ignore the hurdles or, we can see
write.” the hurdles as an asset. Let’s
understand this statement more
We can write anywhere we want. clearly with our day-to-day instances.
Pragmatically, at first, make a diary Nowadays, the biggest hurdle which
where you will write your daily task. we face while practising anything is
Then, decorate your diary and keep it social media. We can’t deny the fact
clean and adorned as it will grab your that the generation of the 21st century
attention and will remind you of its loves to socialize. Today everyone is
importance. Lastly and most busy on their phones or social media
importantly, keep that diary along and while preparing for anything or
with you all the time. So, if you will attempting to practice anything daily,
have any spare time and you will think social media is always perceived as a
to write at that moment, you can hurdle but this perception can be
simply write without any obstacle. changed in the context of writing. But
how can it be done?
It is rational to say that you need a As I have said before, writing is a
quiet and comfortable environment to beautifully flexible activity that can be
concentrate on writing but if this done anywhere and anytime. So, while
favourable situation is not available you are chatting on social media you
for some time due to undesired state can write in a formal language with
of affairs then we will have to become correct vocabulary or you can post
adaptable to that situation for that the daily status of your work. It will
specific period. We will have to kill two birds with one stone.
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