Page 38 - Mousumi
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if implemented properly, will make a problem on the internet. My
student’s result better than expected. experience of a trained teacher says
When we talk about rural government that when a teacher is posted in
schools, education should go local. remote areas, he/she does not know
Techniques like ‘live learning anything about the local language,
experiences’ and ‘community communities, culture, religious and
participation in learning’ will help a caste-based patterns which are
lot. But, rote memorization and affecting the enrolment and dropout
chapter-exam completion practices ratio of that place, directly. So, as
which are present in the system are of soon as a teacher makes him/her
no worth. We have to change the way aware of all these issues, he/she will
and thinking of ‘teaching-learning not only be able to have a check but
processes in our country’, through will also be able to increase the
which we will be able to increase the number of students in the school.
skill index of students in our country. You should know how, what, when
and where to communicate. Active
Increasing enrolment ratio participation of village communities,
and decreasing drop out ratio panchayats and parent-teacher
associations will surely help a teacher
(especially female):
in this regard.
Personalised and
Individualistic approach of
“Some of the brightest minds in the
country can be found on the last
benches of the classroom” – Dr A. P.
J. Abdul Kalam. Not every student
can come first by scoring top ranks
and that is why they need personal
Less enrolment and big drop out ratio
and individual attention. A teacher
in villages is a big matter of concern.
When we add up the figures of female can change a blunt stone into sharp.
literacy to it, we get the biggest
loophole of Indian education in
remote areas (according to the data of
2014, national rural female literacy
rate of India is 56.8% which means
that almost half of the Indian
population is illiterate). This problem
is hampering the growth and health of
not only a family but also of society.
You will not get solutions to this
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