Page 130 - Mousumi
P. 130
How to Embrace the Vuca World We
Live In?
By Aanya Pandith
explain the more volatile, uncertain,
The world we live in today is not complex and ambiguous multilateral
world perceived as resulting from the
how it was a few years ago, today the
end of the Cold War. In a VUCA
world we live in is unstable,
world, the most important thing is to
unpredictable, complex and
anticipate the future and to strengthen
ambiguous. To describe the
cooperation with modern solutions.
complicated world of today, the term
The aim is to channel the energy used
VUCA is used. VUCA stands for
in any case into meaningful channels
volatile, uncertain, complex and
which can lead to value-adding
ambiguous. It was used for the first
approaches and measures. VUCA
time in 1987 to describe the volatility,
today brings together four distinct
uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity
types of challenges that demand four
of general conditions and situations.
distinct types of responses. It has
subsequently taken root in emerging
ideas in strategic leadership that apply
in a wide range of organizations, from
for-profit corporations to education.
Nothing is permanent in this world
only change is; in the VUCA, world
change is the main focus. There may
be big changes and small changes in a
split of a second and these changes
affect the lives of millions. To flourish
in the VUCA first of all one must
adapt to a growth mindset. Charles
Handy, an Irish economist once said,
“Whereas the heroic manager of the
past knew all, could do all and could
solve every problem, the post-heroic
manager asks how every problem can
be solved in a way that develops other
The U.S. Army War College people’s capacity to handle it”. The
presented the concept of VUCA to VUCA world challenges you to find
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