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where you want to reach and focus on organisation to pool your combined
that. capacities and exploit your abilities to
achieve autonomous management.
Build a mine-set which will be The new possibility will be opened up
intended towards improvisation and to you along with solutions and
innovation. Build new ways and break practical strategies and ultimately,
boundaries with innovation yourself your path to the result you desire”.
through tough times. Create wonders When Elon Musk was in college,
with what you have with people found him to be weird. He
improvisation and have an idea of used to ask people, “What do you
disaster management because leaders think about electronic cars?”
of the date must know how to handle
the situation in a time of chaos. That one crazy idea made that one
Captain Raghu Raman once said, “A man a legend. Technology has
true leader is the one who loves changed; a leader is required to bring
chaos”. a semblance. Nothing is impossible,
what is claimed to be impossible is
The abbreviation VUCA has another just a challenge too crazy for anyone
meaning in itself for leadership- to try and waiting for the right person
Vision, Understanding, Clarity and at the right time to take it up.
Agility. We live in a world in which Innovation is a new way of life. With
anything can change in an incident- all of the technological expertise
from Britain’s unexpected decision to which makes daily life easy, we need
leave the EU, to Donald Trump’s win to develop creativity as our necessity.
in the recent US election and the
unexpected outbreak of the As the saying goes, “A bird sitting on
coronavirus, due to which many a tree is never afraid of the branch
companies are suffering great loss. breaking because its trust is not on
New age leaders are expected to the branch but its wings”. Similarly, to
expect the unexpected. overcome the challenges in the
VUCA world, we need to believe in
Innovation is the most reliable our strength and talent to defeat the
strategy to thrive in this world. A problems in front of us.
quote from Waltraud Glaeser says,
“Innovation craves space, creativity,
rapidity and flexibility. I can help your
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