Page 126 - Mousumi
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invite mental determination. Only our health. Without good health, we
regular auto-suggestion can bring this neither absorb a benevolent idea nor
determination. Every day, after prayer think for others. We can't control the
our mind must be told, "I am a man, mind without being fit and healthy.
not a beast. I'm potentially divine. I
must acquire good character through Reading Good Books:
continuous practice of truthfulness, We should develop the habit of
purity and perseverance because this studying something which encourages
is the only way to become happy and us and gives us the true spirit in
make others happy. I have infinite character building. We can start with
power within me. So I must be able to the biographies of Swami
build a good character." Vivekananda, Netaji Subhash
Chandra Bose, Rishi Aurobindo, Dr
Mental concentration: A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, Ishwar Chandra
Mental concentration is a big part of Vidyasagar, Ma Sarada Devi to name
life-building. Unless we have our full a few and also their inspiring speeches
control over our restless mind, we and writings from which we shall
can't proceed a step ahead. To stick to certainly find many great ideas that
our resolution power of the mind is will prevent us from getting involved
necessary. So the practice of mental in immoral, self-centric, self-deceptive
concentration is urgent for everyone. thoughts.
In the morning and evening, nature
remains calm and quiet. These are the These five methods should not be
proper times to practise. Firstly, we followed mechanically. One should
should put a dot or image which we practise it daily, once or twice without
respect most in front of us and then a failure. Obstinacy that I must make
sit folding our legs like sukhasana or my life good is essential to build one's
padmasana. These asanas will help us character.
to keep the waist, spinal cord and
neck straight in a vertical line. The
next step is watching the mind. Close Conclusion:
the eyes. After watching the mind for
a minute or two, fix it to that image or Human life is invaluable. It has
dot. It might not stay there even for a immense possibility. This possibility
few seconds. So again we have to try may get spoilt if we are not conscious
to fix it to the image or dot closing of improving the dormant qualities in
our eyes. It will be an interesting game us. I close the essay with a vital
with the mind. Thus gradually the speech of Swamiji saying on
mind will be calm and concentrated. character:
"Money does not pay, nor name; fame does
Physical Exercise: not pay, nor learning. It is love that pays; it
Some freehand exercises and a few is the character that cleaves its way through
simple 'yogasana' are necessary for adamantine walls of difficulties.”
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