Page 125 - Mousumi
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instance, an early riser can never sleep mentally strong and can gain self-
till late in the morning. Rising early in confidence.
the morning has become his habit as
he has been repeatedly doing it. Process:
Likewise, a kleptomaniac person There is a specific methodical and
cannot stay without stealing. Why? He scientific process for building a good
previously engaged himself in stealing character:
other things repeatedly. An action Prayer:
including thinking and speaking is Praying is an important factor for the
guided by our ideas. Now if we want extension of our heart. No other
to form a good character, we should medicine is better than praying to
be very careful about selecting ideas become unselfish and non-violent. A
that generally guide our thoughts and cordial pray brings the feeling for
therefore our actions leading to good others. After getting up from the bed
habits. Habits, when somehow ripe, and before going to bed our first and
become our propensities the foremost work is to pray for the
agglomeration of which is our wellbeing of the entire universe. Say
character. That is why Swami yourself, "I am not different from
Vivekananda told, "Fill the mind with others. Oh God, bless all the men,
the highest thoughts, hear them day women and children and all other
after day and think them month after living creatures!" Thus we can be able
month." to take the sorrow, misery, hardship
of others as our own. We can mingle
Necessary for Students: others' happiness with us. While
It is much important for all students. describing the power of prayer in his
Before grabbing any bad habit if they famous autobiography 'Wings of Fire',
engage in this character-building our former president Dr A.P.J. Abdul
method, they will easily consume it Kalam wrote, 'My father told me
and build a good character and lead a there was nothing mysterious about
happy life in a true sense. Our present prayer. Rather, prayer made possible a
educational system never gives the communion of the spirit between
opportunity of character building. people. "When you pray," he said,
Instead, it provokes into the carrier- "you transcend your body and
building competition and entices to become a part of the cosmos, which
be a money-making machine. knows no division of wealth, age,
Students are the future of a nation. caste or creed."
When their minds are tender, it will
be easy for them to imbibe many Auto-suggestion:
good ideas. So besides carrier-centric I have already told that we have to
education, character-centric education capture good ideas but a superficial
should also be implemented by which acquaintance with ideas will not help
they become both physically and to gear up the continuity. Those must
be imbibed. For this, we ought to
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