Page 67 - Mousumi
P. 67
By Sunidhi Singh
It’s high time that we start taking care
of ourselves, being ourselves and
creating a world that we have been
dreaming of since the day that we
don’t even remember.
The pandemic, right now, has given
us just the opportunity, an awesome
opportunity of knowing ourselves,
living for ourselves and consequently
living for others. We have to
understand that it is only through us
that the world exists. It functions
because we do.
In order to take care of that world, we
Taking care? Of ourselves?? What’s
have to take care of ourselves first
that??? because each and every one of us
These questions seem a little too matters and contributes in our own
dramatic but stand true in the present unique way.
day scenario. All of us are so much So, how do we take care of ourselves?
busy in earning money, buying
Just start by making peace with our
luxuries, looking for others’
past because the past is that
validation, living up to everyone’s
invaluable book of experiences which
expectations and keeping others has guided us all along to the present.
happy that we have forgotten our Don’t carry past. It is important to
own self.
understand that everything in our
Being ourselves is something that lives happens for a reason and we get
many of us left behind in our to learn from the silliest of
childhood when we didn’t care about circumstances. We must learn, let go
what anyone thought of us. As we and move on.
grew up, we started living for
A person’s personality is a complex
validations from our family, friends,
mixture of numerous things. There is
acquaintances and all the people no one personality that can be called
surrounding us except our own inner perfect. Accepting our self. Accept
voice which we never really thought
our self for all your goods and vices.
of giving the value that it deserves.
This does not mean that we stop
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