Page 72 - Mousumi
P. 72
Problem arises with situations in our of mankind are seen in each and every
life. Each person has problems in life. field of human life. What is the
Problems make an appearance due to solution for all the hassle, muddle and
various reasons. It may be because of turbulence? Firstly, we need to
work burden, family problem, stress, envisage the problem. Think
health issues, financial position, and thoroughly from the root of the
risk taken, and so on. Not only problem and difficulties. Consider all
human beings but also various the facts whichever essential. And
companies, firms, state, business then recall all the facts ensued.
entities, nation and even the world A person who has done an
has to face various problems at its offence, fault or a crime knows it. At
place. Every problem may not give a this situation, the person, who does
proper solution. But at least for time the crime, knowing it’s a crime,
being, we will be withdrawn from that entangles himself into problems. He
problem due to our sincerity and has created mess for himself. Mother
truth towards the problem faced by earth has taught us about what is
us. good and what is bad, who is foolish
Mother earth faces huge and who is wise, what is suspect and
problems due to pollution and global who does crime, at last, what is right
warming. But, what answer can you and what is wrong. Is there any
give her? Does she have permanent person on this earth who wants
solution to all those problems? Of problems? Is there any person who is
course, we cannot answer her. But born only to entangle problems in
yes, we can control her problems by life? Obviously, the only answer to
doing preventive measures whichever these questions is NO. Problems
necessary.Even business firm goes arises due to crisis occurred without
through depression. Thus problems our knowledge. Those crises which
need to be tackled and faced by each are created by man, with foolishness
businessman with ability and are avoidable by changing the mindset
confidence. A family may go on of those people. But some crises
financial crisis due to various issues, which are natural are unavoidable
thus, the members of the family must which includes natural disasters.
endure such situations with Negativity, hopelessness, in our mind,
confidence that they can come out of brings up bad thoughts, these
such crisis. thoughts always creates bad impact
on our inmost depth. On the other
hand, it is quite true, that hope brings
Hassle refers to difficulties and positivity approach in our minds.
complexity of life, muddle refers to All Well-known activities of a
issues, matters, cases or obstructions farmer:
of life, turbulence refers troubles,
A farmer needs to think a lot
difficulties and distress occurred in
before doing any kind of agricultural
our day to day life. All these problems
produce in his farm. Right from the
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