Page 39 - Mousumi
P. 39
and what really bad is gaining exercises (Sanskrit: pranayam) are
unnecessary fat. The diet should also certain great methods to relieve stress.
consist of twenty five percent fat- It is important that we don’t feel
avocados, nuts and olive oil. guilty while taking out time to
Carbohydrates are the chief source of exercise. “You have to be
energy of the body. Therefore, the authoritarian with yourself”.
diet must also contain at least forty
five to sixty five percent of Getting an adequate amount of sleep
carbohydrates. is also important in preserving a good
health and thereby a good lifestyle.
Health and well being is the most When a person is stressed, his/her
significant obtain in life. The habits sleep often suffers. But staying up late
we pick up regarding food choices to tackle a growing to-do list is
and physical activities when we are counterproductive. Getting as much
young installs a mindset for future sleep as possible when feeling
health decisions in our life. We now overwhelmed will help to manage
see kids rather play video games and stress. Stress wreaks havoc on
phone apps, staying indoors in emotional equilibrium as well as
comparison to going outdoors to stay physical health. It narrows a person’s
physically active. The most important ability to think clearly, function
key role in having a healthy lifestyle as effectively and enjoy life. Effective
a kid is the environment and access of stress management helps to break the
healthy foods. clasp of stress on life and be happier
and more productive.
Many of us are guilty of an all-or-
nothing mentality when it comes to The ultimate goal is balance life, with
fitness, which is equally important as a time for work, relations relaxation and
balanced diet, in maintaining a good fun- and the resilience to hold up
lifestyle. We hammer the gym hard under pressure and meet challenges
before a holiday, but when life gets in head on (try practice 4As: avoid, alter,
the way, our fitness jumps out of the adapt or accept).
window. However, exercise is a
powerful natural stress-reliever that It is important that along with
can flood one’s body with ‘feel good’ accepting new reforms and
endorphins. reinforcements in lifestyle, we stay in
high spirits. But the fact is that
When one can’t afford a gym, there happiness lies in their life ,it is what
can be plenty of free home-based they have to find.
exercise that can be squeezed into a
few minutes. Yoga and breathing ****************************
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