Page 36 - Mousumi
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Nighantu(Bhavamisra), Madhava and Ojas (Supreme resilience). These
Nidan (by Madhava kara) and three concepts helped individuals in
Agnivesh Samhita and Chikitsasthana. ancient times to enhance the ability of
Many scholars and researchers believe the body to repair and nourish itself.
that these books contain very The average age in Vedic period was
important concepts, precautions and more than hundred, because people
cure, which can help every individual. knew the rich science of Ayurveda. It
Ayurveda is not hidden and its is also evident in Ayurvedic books
application regarding a healthy body which describes how people lead a
and strong immunity is known long and disease free life by having
internationally. Somogyi– balance between soul, mind
and body.
According to Ayurveda, the body is
made up of five basic elements called Ayurveda also advocates abolition of
Ayurvedic Doshas (Vata, Pitta and some negative practices that have
Kapha). Vata Dosha is composed of detrimental effects on our body. The
space and air, Pitta Dosha is fact which causes a sign of danger is
composed of Fire and Water and that each and every person is involved
Kapha is composed of Earth. These in these practices directly or indirectly.
are often termed as Psycho- To make our body strong and
Physiological functions. It is essential resistive to various diseases like
to maintain all these Doshas. As Vata COVID-19, we need to avoid some
is responsible for all movements in adverse practices like imbalanced diet,
body and mind, Pitta controls all excessive alcohol intake, high stress,
metabolic processes in the body and dehydration, no meditation, obesity
Kapha is important for stability of and irregular sleep. Imbalanced diet
body, compactness of joint, does not support Doshas (5
lubrication and intelligence. A healthy elements). If processed sugar,
body with strong immunity needs to adulterated food, artificial flavours
balance all these five elements' and junk food are taken in huge
compositions. amounts then they decrease the
immune system's ability to fight
diseases. Excessive alcohol intake
The modern definition of the leads to multiple cardiovascular
immune system is only based on diseases, high blood pressure and
functions of cells, enzymes and hence makes the body more prone to
antibodies that attack pathogens and
prevent from various contagious contagious microbes. High stress
triggers depression, anxiety, mental
diseases but the remedy should not be disorders and mental fatigue which
limited to vaccines only. Old negatively impact our nervous as well
Ayurvedic concepts of immunity
as physiological system. Water (Jal) is
include Bala (Strength), Vyadhi
Kshamathwa (resistance to illness) an essential component of Ayurvedic
science. The proper digestion,
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