Page 33 - Mousumi
P. 33
In this essay, we will be going to suggesting some ways to resolve the
discuss the problems being faced by problems.
migrant labourers, steps taken by the PROBLEMS BEING FACED BY
government to resolve them and we MIGRANT LABOURERS:
will be concluding the essay by
It is poverty that strangles and stifles Shelter homes have been set up by
— and it stretches from cities to the government
villages, from the jaws of a five-story
The ration was provided to all the
building to slums.
ration card holders free of cost
India’s lockdown has caused
xpediting pension to be paid to
unemployment on a massive scale.
India's unemployment rate is now at a
record high of 27.1%, according to Poor households are entitled to free
the Centre for Monitoring the Indian refills of LPG cylinders
Economy (CMIE).
But the question arises here is that
As informal jobs of laborers were the after being provided economic
first to be hit as construction stopped, support, why labourers are still
and cities suspended public transport. migrating?
Even lockdowns do not spare
Governments are doing everything
permanent jobs too- such as media,
they can, but daily wage laborers are
aviation, retail, hospitality, not watching the news like us.
automobiles have also announced
The migration of laborers was
massive layoffs during this time
triggered by panic created by fake
Recently the government passed an news that the lockdown would
order to all the organizations, continue for more than three months.
Such panic caused untold suffering to
industries for payment of salary to all
those who rely on fake news.
its employees, but due to poor
implementation, the worst sufferer As a result, some of the laborers
started walking for miles on foot,
was again the laborer class. All their
people started gathering near railway
savings have been consumed, they are
stations, bus stations.
left with no money.
We all feel safe as well as happy being Many other non-ration cardholder
at home with family, but those people
out there is the worst sufferer. poor people don't have food to eat, so
the government must ensure the
availability of food to everyone out
GoI has launched relief packages to there.
provide economic support
Due to this lockdown, many poor
people have lost their jobs, and post
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