Page 30 - Mousumi
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                    on  average,15000  men,  from  the               1.  Commence  with  the  collar
                    internet everyday learn how to tie a tie            widened up, loop or curve the
                    in  the  US.  According  to  statistical            tie around the neck so that the
                    data,  people  buy  a  million  ties  each          thick  end  hangs  to  the  left,
                    year in the US and almost  thrice  the              (making sure it is 3 or 4 inches
                    value all over the world.                           lower than the thin end).
                                                                     2.  Cross,  intersect  the  wide  end
                    Did you know that there are 177,147                 over  the  thin  end  to  form  an
                    possible  ways  to  tie  a  tie?  Over  the         ‘X' shape.
                    years,  the  significance  of  the  necktie      3.  Lift  the  thick  end,  wrap  it
                    has  expanded  far  and  wide,  with  its           around,  and  behind  the  thin
                    size,  colour,  and  pattern  changing              end.  Ensuring  that,  the  thick
                    incessantly.    There  are  some                    end should now be inside out.
                    guidelines which one needs to follow             4.  Now,  bring  the  thick  end
                    while  tying  the  knot  of  the  tie,              around and across the front of
                    accompanied by a high level of in-tie-              the knot from left to right.
                    lligence,  to  get  a  proper  length            5.  Holding the thin end with one
                    necktie.  These  include  a  branch  of             hand,  draw  the  thick  end
                    tips and  advice  from  fashion  experts            upwards  through  the  neck
                    and  grabatologists,  they  say  an                 loop.
                    exquisite  tie  would  lose  its  appeal  if     6.  Feed  the  wide  end  down
                    not worn well, well-adorned ties invite             through the tie knot.
                    esteem.                                          7.  Pullthe   thick    end    down
                    Neckties  need  to  complement  the                 carefully  to  achieve  your
                    bearer; hence the most simplified ties              desired  knot  size.  Lower  the
                    are  the  best  for  any  interviewer  or           shirt  collar  to  complete  the
                    even  an  employee.  The  question  of              look.
                    how to wear a proper tie arises next,
                    therefore the best epitome of a knot,            Everyone  flounders  once,  try
                    one  can  create  is  the  four  in  hand        again, and endeavour to hone the
                    knot.  The  ‘schoolboy  knot’  is  the           skill of giving an artistic glimpse to
                    most popular necktie, discreet and the           the  tie.  One  can  also  memorize
                    simplest of all, which works well with           how  to  tie  a  necktie  in  just  ten
                    narrow    spread    collars   and    is          seconds  if  being  behind  time  to
                    appreciable  for  being  asymmetrical.           work or feeling indolent to give at
                    Before  beginning,  the  style  of  the          least half an hour to a perfect tie.
                    necktie has to be taken into account,
                    for instance, traditional patterns, such         1.  Put  the  tie on  a  table. Make a
                    as  clubs  or  stripes  appear  the  best        loop from the thin end up wards;
                                                                     at the same time make a loop with
                    with  the  Four-In-Hand  knot.  .The
                                                                     thick  end  downwards.  Now  hold
                    procedure  to  convert  a  simple  piece
                                                                     the  thin  end  with  your  palm  and
                    of cloth to a gaudy and versatile knot
                                                                     thumb.                         2. Turn it
                    is as follows:
                                                                     over and insert it in the other hole

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