Page 98 - Mousumi
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                    attention.  This  will  keep  your  mind     cause  discomfort.  Whether  it  was
                    diverted  from  thinking  anything  that     getting bullied at school, not meeting
                    can bring sadness.                           up  to  your  parents'  expectations,  or
                                                                 being  harshly  judged  by  someone,
                    ●   Submerge  yourself  completely           shame makes you hide your true self
                    in  your  experience  and  share  it         and  put  on  a  mask.  Owning  the
                    with  people  who  love  you  in  an         courage to stay true to yourself is one
                    authentic, unbiased manner.                  of  the  keys  to  longer  lasting

                    ●  Find  a  redemptive  approach
                    towards  your  suffering.  True              3. Lend a helping hand:
                    meaning comes in our lives when we
                    change  our  perspective  about  our         The  happiest  people  are  those  who
                    hardships in a way that they improve         don't have everything in life but give
                    our  lives  rather  than  bringing  us       whatever little they have with a smile.
                    down.                                        Every  individual  has  something  they
                                                                 can contribute to the world to make it
                    2.  Create  a  safe  space  to  stay         a better place to live. The hard part is
                    true to yourself:                            figuring  out  what  that  is.  And  the
                                                                 truth is, we'll never figure it out until
                    We're  constantly  bombarded  with           we  take  the  initiative  to  do
                    innumerable     messages     daily   or      something.
                    happen  to  read  through  articles  that
                    tell us what we need to look, act, or        Evidence  proves  that  giving  is  a
                    wear  to  be  happy  and  successful.        powerful way to lasting happiness. If
                    Believe  me,  their  messages  and           done in the right way, helping others
                    articles  are  total  nonsense  that         is simply not a responsibility in life; it
                    snatches  away  people  of  their  peace     is what gives meaning to life.

                    and satisfaction.
                                                                 4. Learn to be grateful:
                    The  fashion  magazines  make  sure
                    people  just  don't  feel  confident  in     Focus  more  on  being  grateful  for
                    their  skin  so  that  they  tend  to  buy   what     you    have,    rather    than
                    more and more of their products.             complaining  about  what  you  don't.
                                                                 An attitude of gratitude will keep the
                    When  we  don't  feel  loved  and            blessings  on  the  way  because  isn't
                    accepted for our true selves, there          about  getting  what  you  want  all  the
                    is  no  way  we  can  ever  be  happy.       time.  It's  about  thanking  all  the
                    The reason we are often reluctant to         people who have put a smile on your
                    be  our  most  authentic  selves  is         face. So, what you can do is-
                    because of humiliation.
                                                                 ●  Develop  a  habit  of  jotting  down
                    At  some  point  in  your  life,  you  will   three things you are grateful for each
                    run into shame and  it will make you         day.
                    feel guilty of what you had done and

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