Page 93 - Mousumi
P. 93
How To Use Technology In A
Productive Way?
By Joseph Fernandes
become more aware of different
It has helped us gain knowledge and
education too. Today technology
plays a big role in communication and
understanding our past. Technology
helps develop curiosity and
understand different terms.
One can use it to aide in learning.
Today people are using it to chair
virtual meets and hold virtual
conferences. Social media is a big part
Today the world has become a
of technology and we can use it to
technological hub that has helped interact with our friends and it also
raise the standard of living and has keeps us updated. We can also use it
also helped develop cities and to display our talents. Another big
innovations for the betterment of boon is the applications which help
make our life easier. These
society. The greatest gift of
applications help people from all
technology is it has helped people
professions of life in some or the
become self-reliant and create new other way. We can use technology to
projects and startups. It has keep our self-safe from natural
developed an environment of disasters and artificial problems like
entrepreneurship and invention. hacking and cracking. Today artificial
Technology has helped reduce the intelligence is helping us revolutionize
our lives and jobs. 3D printing
mortality rate and eradicate diseases
technology helps us create different
but it has also aided people in the
models as wells as helpful things such
movement, hearing, walking, etc. as prosthetics and many other things.
today in the time of this pandemic Virtual reality and augmented reality
technology has come to the fore to are helping us in leisure activities.
help us save lives and also try to Today we even get services at our
doorstep because of technology. It
eradicate the disease with a vaccine.
has also helped humankind explore
Technology has helped people
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