Page 95 - Mousumi
P. 95


                           How To Deal With Hopelessness?

                                                   By Kanishka Matta
                                                                 carefully  looks  at  the  word  one  may
                                                                 see  that  it  is  derived  by  joining  two
                                                                 words 'hope+lessness' which means
                                                                 less  hope  but  some  assume  that  it
                                                                 means  the  absence  of  hope  which  is
                                                                 wrong. Try to see good in everything.
                                                                 It may not change the situation but it
                                                                 will  change  the  outcome  of  the  way
                                                                 one  feels.  Try  not  to  focus  on  the
                                                                 problem  instead  focus  on  the
                                                                 opportunity  that  the  problem  offers.
                                                                 This can be understood better with a
                                                                 story. Once a company sent two of its
                                                                 sales  workers  to  Africa  to  sell  the
                    Hopelessness. For some people, it is
                                                                 footwears  there  one  worker  lost  the
                    just a word but for some, it is a word       hope and called his company manager
                    filled with emotions. Emotions that          and  told  him  that  one  cannot  sell
                    not only give pain, sadness but also         footwears here because nobody wears
                                                                 footwear     here,   everyone     walks
                    insurance that one is a life. People
                                                                 barefoot  whereas  the  other  worker
                    from different walks of life, whether
                                                                 maintained  hope  and  asked  the
                    an engineer or an artist, whether a          manager  to  sent  the  full  stock  of
                    teenager or a 60-year-old man,               slippers,  he  told  him  that  nobody

                    everyone somewhere or the other has          wears slippers here it will be the best
                    encountered that one situation where         opportunity  for  them  to  double  up
                                                                 their sales. The moral of the story is
                    they felt hopeless.
                                                                 simple, that is never losing hope and
                    The  word  may  give  you  a  sense  of      positivity.  If  everything  seems  to  be
                    hollowness. But if you look it another       dark  become  your  matchstick  and
                    way then you may see that it is filled       lead  the  way.  Yes,  it  is  true,  that  an
                    with psychological facts. This 12 letter     individual  not  faces  an  obstacle  only
                    word can be a motivational source for        once, not twice and not thrice but n
                    someone  or  can  even  be  a  suicidal      number  of  times  but  that  doesn't
                    reason for someone. It depends upon          mean  one  should  quit.  It  is  believed
                    you what you choose, how you cope,           that  people  who  choose  easy  tasks
                    and  what  you  interpret.  If  one          that  do  not  offer  a  challenge  or
                                                                 opportunity  for  growth,  they  have

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