Page 101 - Mousumi
P. 101


                    always, always, always say ‘thank you’.      to  build  humour.  Which  brings  us
                    Even better, learn how to say it in the      to….
                    local tongue. It helps tremendously in       The Funnies
                    P.R.  Exploring  with  a  purpose,  not      A  travelogue  is  good  when  it  comes
                    only  makes  fantastic  travelogues  but     with  descriptions  and  logistics  but
                    also  makes  one  culturally  aware.  In     what  makes  a  travelogue  great,  is
                    fact, the goal while exploring a place       when  it  comes  with  all  this  and  a
                    should be that by the end of the trip,       package of comedy. So bring out the
                    you must know the place like the back        Charlie  Chaplin  inside!  Be  sarcastic,
                    of your hand. It’s not nerdy, it is cool.    satirical,  slapstick,  unconventional;
                    Your  only  role  model  at  this  time      Give it everything!
                    should be Dora the Explorer. Period.         However,  it  is  important  to  know
                    So figure out that maze of a market,         how  much  is  too  much.  Sarcasm
                    ride  the  tubes,  lose  yourself  in  a     cannot  mean  demeaning  and  satires
                    museum; Just do it!                          cannot turn offensive. Draw the line.
                     Collect                                     This  factor  makes  humour  the  most
                    Pamphlets,  souvenirs,  train  tickets,      difficult  part  in  a  travelogue.  A
                    restaurant  cards,  maps,  anything  you     thorough  knowledge  is  the  best
                    can  get your  hands on!  Even  instant      weapon  when  comedy  is  on  your
                    coffee  packets!  These  are  the  things    mind!
                    that  provide  factual  descriptions  to     So  pro  tip,  unleash  your  giggles  but
                    your  travelogue.  Also,  they  provide      also  hold  your  horses.  Then,  you’ll
                    pictures  which  might  have  been           have a steady carriage.
                    missed  on  the  camera,  due  to  the       Topics
                    adrenaline  rush.  Besides,  these  are      Divide  your  travelogue  into  specific
                    proof  that  you’ve  been  there,  and       topics.     This    makes      recalling
                    done that. It boosts satisfaction levels     experiences easier and also makes the
                    infinitely!                                  travelogue very organised. There is no
                    Analyse                                      limit  to  the  number  of  topics!  Your
                    Everything! This is the one time when        trip can be divided into; ‘Sightseeing’,
                    judging  is  considered  appropriate.        ‘Personalities’, ‘Shopping’, ‘Food’ etc.
                    Have deep conversations, analyse the         These topics can also have sub-topics.
                    receptionist’  behaviour,  draw  out  a      For  example,  in  the  ‘Food’  section,
                    personality.  Is  the  very  kind  waiter    you  can  talk about street food, hotel
                    well-bred or is he just a Pisces?            buffet  and  local  specialities.  These
                    This  is  all  about  the  why’s  and  the   subtopics,     however,     have    the
                    what’s and the how’s. Ask it all. Like       potential to get out of hand. To deal
                    ‘Why  is  the  Eiffel  Tower  made  of       with  that,  we  have  the  next  and  the
                    iron?’ or ‘How did the Colosseum get         final step.
                    its  name?’.  This  helps,  not  only  in
                    providing  a  detailed  description  of  a   Widgets
                    place but these facts can also be used       These  are  like  pop-ups  which  can
                                                                 contain  a  small  sub-topic  relating  to

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