Page 105 - Mousumi
P. 105
How To Master The Art Of Deception
With Patience?
By Kanika Choudhary
about running away faster from the
lion- they don't shun the impossible.
Instead, they all betray each other in
The realization that you are weak and an instant and try to run faster than
powerless over other people and their peers. People's life too flows the
situations is generally very unsettling same way. The powerful people know
for us- when we feel knocked down how to disguise their viciousness and
or miserable. Everyone wants to lash crookedness behind a bright
out and exert their power on people welcoming smile. In the corporate
all at once. No one wants less power; world, however, both the lion and the
everyone wants more. But in today's deers have suits on.
world, seeming too power-hungry can
instantly put you under the rear sight Power requires the ability to play with
of people's mental handguns. We appearances. Deception is an art of
have to seem harmless, subtle. To civilization and the most potent
adumbrate- play dumb. This act of weapon in the game of war. Perhaps,
'playing dumb' has been around for what separates humans from animals
centuries with even animals acting is the lethal ability to deceive people.
slow and congenial to catch their Animals can only literally hide
prey. themselves using camouflage but not
their feelings and ideas. In Greek
To exemplify the exacting impact of myths, India's Mahabharata's cycles,
this trick, ponder on how a lion in the Middle Eastern epic of
hunts. A ferocious, mighty lion sleeps Gilgamesh, it is a privilege- a boon of
in the jungle as a recluse. Suddenly, he the gods to be able to use deceptive
hears the frivolous rebukes of a herd tricks on other people. In Ramayana,
of deer and decides to make his way Ravana -the villain- deceives Sita by
towards them. However, his first appearing in front of her in the body
instinct isn't to run and devour them of a golden deer. Albeit, Sita was not
all at once. No matter how tempting to leave her house, she was tempted
the feeling is, he slowly makes his way to see the 'beautiful' deer. Falling prey
towards the herd, hiding behind the to Ravana's deceptions, she was
bushes and pounds upon the nearest abducted to Lanka. You must learn to
ones. No matter how close the deers be many different people- wearing a
are to each other, they too don't think different mask with different people.