Page 108 - Mousumi
P. 108


                    notice    any    of   the    following             • 14%  of  patients  have  severe
                    symptoms:                                             symptoms        -    difficulty
                                                                          breathing, etc.
                    •     Fever or chills
                    •     Tremble
                    •     Pain in the muscles
                    •     Headache                                     • About  80  percent  of  patients
                    •     Coughing or sore throat                         have  mild  symptoms  -  such
                    •     Tastelessness or odour                          as     fever,    cough,     or
                    Previously,  the list  of  symptoms was
                    only  fever,  cough,  or  difficulty
                    breathing. In a press conference held
                    on  May  24,  Chief  Minister  Uddhav              • Statistics  so  far  show  that
                                                                          people  who  already  have  a
                    Thackeray  said  that  fatigue  and  bad
                                                                          disease  -  such  as  asthma,
                    breath are also symptoms. The United                  diabetes, high blood pressure,
                    Kingdom  government  has  also  said
                                                                          heart disease - are more likely
                    that these are new symptoms.
                                                                          to  get  the  disease.  Statistics
                    Symptoms  include  persistent  cough,                 also show that men's lives are
                                                                          at greater risk than women.
                    bad breath, and bad breath, he said.
                                                                 Although,     yet    no    vaccine    is
                    What is the risk of death?
                                                                 discovered  against  this  deadly  virus.
                    The death toll from the disease is low,      So the best way to rid off this virus is
                    at  about  1  to  2  percent.  But  these    "prevention" as the
                    figures are not entirely reliable.
                                                                 prevention  is  the  best  cure."  Follow
                     In some places,  there is not enough        the precautions given below:
                    system to diagnose the disease and in
                                                                 To  prevent  corona  infection,  do  the
                    other  places,  the  symptoms  are  not
                    visible  and  the  patients  are  not        following regulations:
                                                                 The  WHO  has  yet  to  say  for  sure
                                                                 whether the use of masks can prevent
                         1.  According  to  the  World
                            Health  Organization's  study        corona.
                            of about 65,000 patients -
                                                                 But  if  you  are  going  to  a  crowded
                                                                 place then definitely use it.

                                                                 1.  Wash  your  hand  for  at  least  20
                         1.  6%  of  patients  end  up  in  a
                            critical  condition  -  that  is,
                            they  have  lung  failure,  other    2.  Use  a  mask  or  handkerchief
                            infections,  organ  failure,  and    whenever  you  are  going  to  bring
                            risk of death.
                                                                 the essentials.

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