Page 18 - Mousumi
P. 18
Display beautiful items from nature
within the inside environment
(especially those the youngsters
discovered!) like seashells, leaves,
flowers, rocks, interesting sticks,
and plants. The youngsters begin to
ascertain the adult's respect and awe
for natural materials, and also show
a way of honoring and caring for
It is also in these group times that something. Caring for nature reflects
children are instilled with a way of caring for every other.
responding to worry for every other ENGAGING
and the environment. Have the
youngsters, alongside the adults; ENVIRONMENTS
consider rules or "living ideas" for Lots of time and space to explore,
the group. State and write the alongside developmentally
principles in a positive manner, appropriate, interesting, creative
especially in solving conflicts. materials, help children focus.
Offering children the voice to the Boredom or having nothing to try to
debate and make decisions means are often the cause for unwanted
they're a crucial, competent member behaviors, but a toddler happily
of the group. involved live reflects an enticing
environment and reciprocally
supports peaceful environments.
Nature features a way of adding
beauty, a way of calm, and creativity BE A PEACEFUL MODEL
to any environment. Create Guiding and offering peaceful
opportunities daily to show children solutions to children during conflict
to the surface world, especially is one of the foremost important
getting outdoors to play! The fresh skills offered to children. Even at an
air and workout will provide a early age, children can learn to start
pathway to healthiness. Research problem-solving and resolving
shows that physically healthy conflicts. A child happily involved
children are happier. Happier in life reflects an enticing
children create happier environment and reciprocally
environments. supports peaceful environments.
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