Page 23 - Mousumi
P. 23
take motors by placing wooden become wilted. Here we identify
sticks on the top of the motor and that for plants water is necessary.
place the motors in the vessels,
by switching on motors then it Take another plant and cut the
rotates, one can remember the stem of the plant. Now you will
turbines. Turbines are made up of see some layers inside the stem,
wood and these are used to these layers are phloem (which
produce electric current transfers food to plant), xylem
from streams, dams, rivers, etc. (which transfers water to the
Another simple experiment with
vegetables: collect some lemons Xylem and phloem are
and oranges into a bowl and now collectively known as vascular
take a knife and cut them into bundles of the plants.
two halves and peel the layer of To find out the age of trees
Oranges and press it then you calculate the annual rings of the
will notice that our eyes began to tree.
release water; this is because of
acid which is present inside the When you see a large cut down
Orange peel. wood of a tree, then you will
notice that the wood contains few
Lemons contain vitamin c and it rings and these rings are called
contains ascorbic acids. annual rings, these are used to
Deficiency of vitamin c results in count the age of the trees.
Uses of detergent: detergents are
Children usually want to know used to clean our clothes and
information about trees. bleaching powder is used to clean
Take a leaf, observe the colour of surroundings and write the
the leaf, it looks green in colour. observations.
Now place the plant from Preparing a new design /painting
sunlight and place it inside a by using tomatoes, potatoes,
room. After one day you will powders etc.
notice that the plant dies, it is
because the plants require Children/students always want to
sunlight. do some projects/experiments in
their school, for that they firstly
Take another plant and keep it will do the projects/experiments
outside of your room, don't pour in their house.
water to the plant. After a few
hours you will notice that the ***
plant gets wilted -the plant leaves
Page 21