Page 14 - Mousumi
P. 14
By Akshay Thakkar
should be fit mentally, emotionally,
and physically.
Let us discuss briefly. In studies it is
shown that working out or any
physical activity is very beneficiary
for your entire body. When you
workout it just not only strengthens
your body, but it also strengthens
your mental power and emotional
power too.
There are lots of benefits of working
out or doing any physical activities
This lockdown period is getting like yoga and dance. First, it controls
longer. We have never imagined that your blood pressure. Second it helps
it will be this much long. As per the reducing your stress. Third it
current scenario I am assuming that reduces the risk of heart stroke. And
it is going to extend for more weeks. many more benefits like that.
The situation tells us that even if the In this situation we all know that
lockdown ends than also it will be immunity is very important. Country
very difficult to give permission for like United Kingdom is applying
the chaotic area like vegetable herd
market, malls, cinema halls, gyms,
etc. That means we must spend most Immunity strategy to fight
of our time at our houses. this covid-19 pandemic
Even you know that how frustrating Working out or physical activities
it is to sit at home. We got tired of helps your immune system. It
watching Netflix. Most of the people increases the counts of white blood
are depressed. So what is the option? cells. Any kind of physical activity
Answer is keeping yourself fit. But helps reducing depression.
how? Well, keeping yourself fit does
not mean that you should only There are lots of factor which will
concentrate on your physical help you keep yourself fit during this
appearance. Being fit means you lockdown.