Page 9 - Mousumi
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everything I have and not being the day I pestered my mind to figure
content with it would mean acting out why so and looked for ways to
ungrateful, and no, in the sense that I cheer myself up, to the point that it
am yet to submit and think, this is as became an obsession. On days the
good as it gets. Not wanting to result said I was indeed very much
bewilder this kind stranger who had contented I would mock myself for
just wished to express his concern, I not being mature enough to worry
replied, “Of course” with a warm about the thousand things that were
smile. not going well in the world.
Little did the person know that he Needless to say, I eventually figured
had hauled me into a tangent of that this cycle was rather otiose.
thought from whose effects I would Finding a long lost toffee in my bag,
take long to recover from. How an unexpected smile from an old
could a person legitimately answer acquaintance, a fleeting compliment,
that question? Upon looking into it, I the recovery of a pleasant memory-
came across a lengthy, intimidating all these things unintentionally
list of procedures that one might opt decided whether the day was a
to find an answer- Happiness success or a disastrous failure and
inventories, questionnaires, the consequently, whether I was happy
Panas scales and so on. As logical or not.
and deductive as these might seem,
once presented with a result, it This unreliability of happiness does
seemed weirdly alien to me, as if the not confine to individuals alone, but
result in question was someone holds for countries and populations
else‟s. Across the half a dozen times as well. Take the current global
that I measured my happiness in the scenario that revolves around an
past few months, in the end, I unprecedented pandemic, generally
always remember thinking along the consented to be a period of
lines of – „am I truly that happy‟ or confusion and fear. COVID- 19
„oh, I expected a better result‟. hovers over us like impending doom
and yet little celebrations of
Knowing my degree of joy turned reconciliations and affections burst
out to be more detrimental than I from numerous families who have
could have fathomed. I found myself been reunited as one again. Amongst
constantly trying to scrutinize and this laughter, muffled are the cries of
reconfigure myself. If the tests said victims of domestic abuse. Those
that I was unhappy then throughout hundreds, who were nestled in the
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