Page 99 - Mousumi
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mental illness of child and negative vibes, and keep
forces them to take horrible ourselves motivated and
steps in their life. mentally strong.
In this technological world, we
Bad blood and estrangement in have no time to spend with our
relationships is the reason of loved ones and this makes
negativity and depression individuals self-concentrated
which leads more and more and irritated in our lives. To get
divorces also. rid off these things, we should
spend time with our parents,
Unemployment in the youth talk to each other, playing with
population, which makes them children and having meals
depressed due to which together and enjoying with
sometimes they commit family and friends etc.
suicides also. Specially, students remember in
their life- education is a part of
Failure in businesses is also the life, life is not a part of
reason for the same as – fear of education. We should always
overtaking business by some remember that success and
other enterprises, burden of failure is the part and parcel of
loan from banks etc. For life.
instance, in recently the owner Marks in the examinations does
of ‘cafe coffee day’ had not reflect any one's potential,
committed suicide due to the so there is no need for getting
failure of his company. tensed in life regarding marks.
If God gives us this precious
HOW TO OVERCOME life, then we must live our lives
NEGATIVITY: with full potential and zeal, and
don't try to play with it because
To overcome this, we should it's priceless.
try to away from negativity and Books are the best friends of
negative people in life. human beings forever. Reading
Negative and positive vibes are some inspirational books really
the two sides of the coin, so we helps us to stay positive in life.
should not get stressed after If we really want to stay away
failing to achieve anything we from depression and anxiety,
want in our lives. Try to believe then we don't need to think too
in ourselves and should always much about what were
give our second and third happened in the past and what
attempt to get something in will happen in the near future,
life. apart from that ‘just focus on
Meditation and Yoga are our present’ .
another tool to Stay away from
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