Page 100 - Mousumi
P. 100
And the last one is to train our businesses to big enterprises and
minds to only think about good from one country to another
vibes and try to spread everyone's life is getting affected
positivity around us. For this by this pandemic.
we can also take help from There are lots of things happening
spiritualism as well. right now, for which we can blame
Coronavirus outbreak. For
instance, shaking the world
BENEFITS OF STAY economy, disrupting businesses,
POSITIVE IN LIFE: impact on exports and imports,
Being calm and compose in life students’ study, rising
helps in to take big decisions in unemployment and postponing of
life. big events like Olympics etc.
If individual is full of positive These are all the negative results
vibes, then he/she can give 100 of COVID-19 which we can think
percent input of of, but if we focus only these
herself/himself to do anything aspects of this outbreak then we
in life. are surely getting upset in
Always stay motivated is really lockdown life. See this is a
helps in growth of life as well. pandemic, the whole world is
One of the most important fighting against it. Doctors, nurses,
benefit of stay positive is that, and health workers really doing
if we feel down in life then hard work to cope with this
positivity is helps us to situation and try to create its
overcome situation, stand up vaccine for the welfare of the
again and do hard work to society.
achieve success. But if we try to concentrate on the
Positivity fills our minds and other side of this situation means
hearts with confidence and positive side, then we find that,
creates love and passion due to this lockdown we all are at
towards life. home, we have lots of time to
• NEED TO STAY spend with our families and loved
POSITIVE IN THE ones. In this time, we should try to
PRESENT SCENARIO: spread love, happiness, and
In the present scenario, we all are positive approach towards
the same situation over the world. situation.
The world is currently fighting
against pandemic COVID-19 ****************************
together. From rich to poor,
students to teachers, small
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