Page 105 - Mousumi
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                    so that there is no room left for your       9.     Stop  self–victimizing  –  We  as
                    past to haunt you again.                     humans  have  different  ways  and
                    6.    Make  room  for  New  –                techniques to cope up with our past.
                    Declutter  your  mind  from  all  the        One  of  the  most  toxic  ways  is  self-
                    negativities  and  past  instances  that     victimizing. It is okay to feel sorry for
                    might not let you move forward. Ask          yourself  every  once  in  a  while,  but
                    yourself,  what  do  you  expect  your       making  it a  way of life  is not fair to
                    future  to  look  like?  Once  that          you  or  those  around  you.  Empower
                    pathway  is  created  in  your  mind         yourself  to  look  beyond  those
                    invest your thoughts and energy into         unfortunate  circumstances  happened
                    fulfilling the vision of your future.        in your past. Try to pull yourself out
                                                                 of  the  messy  and  negative  thought
                    7.    Change your mindset – As you           process.  If  needed,  take  professional
                    must have heard “Change is the only          help to understand your current state
                    thing  that  is  constant  in  this  world”.   of mind.
                    The major step in letting go of your
                    past  is  to  change  the  way  you  have    10.    Unrealistic    expectations    –
                    always  perceived  it.  If  your  entire     Pinning your hopes and expectations
                    focus will be on the negative aspects        on  others  will  only  lead  to
                    of  your  past,  your  life  will  move  in   disappointment and ruining what you
                    negative  direction.  Your  life  and        currently  share  with  others.  We
                    emotions will flow in the direction of       sometimes  become  so  co-dependent
                    your  dominant  thoughts.  Do  not  let      on  others  that  somehow  we  start  to
                    your past tie you down but accept it         see them as our saviour as they will be
                    the way it is and motivate yourself so       pulling us out of the shadows of the
                    that you have enough strength to let it      past  and  throw  some  light  on  us
                    go.                                          which  is  unfair  to  them  and  to  you
                                                                 too. You can always ask  for  external
                    8.    Find  what  makes  you  happy  -       help to get you through this but at the
                    Finding  something  that  fulfils  your      end  of  the  day  you  must  motivate
                    soul and makes you happy is the best         yourself to be able to let go of your all
                    to  finally let go of your hurtful  past.    bad past experiences.
                    Investing  all  your  energy  into  a  new
                    thing can distant your mind from all         11.    Forgive  yourself  and  others  –
                    the  negativities  that  were  currently     Sometimes  you  need  to  accept  an
                    occupying your mind. That new thing          apology  you  never  got  only  to  free
                    can  be  anything;  a  new  hobby,  new      your soul from all the burdens of the
                    hairstyle, your love for reading books,      past.  Holding  grudges  against  people
                    art,  music,  etc.  Pick  something  that    will  only  hurt  you  at  the  end.  This
                    releases you from the shadows of the         might  create  mind  blockages  making
                    past.                                        it  more  difficult  for  you  to  see  the
                                                                 reality  of  today.  Learn  to  forgive
                                                                 others and let go of the past not for

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