Page 38 - Mousumi
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cognitions from distorting reality, clinical features. But due to lack
nobody really can affect our of awareness regarding such
positive mind-set with their disorders, confusing these
negative criticisms or comments. disorders with their tensed,
negative nature, people often end
Coming to the point of
‘embracing the positive ‘, it's very up being literally diagnosed with
disorders like ‘Anxiety ‘ as
important to be able to behold
different forms of negative
the positive possibilities or
feelings, occurring recurrently
outcomes and effects of
can lead to such clinical
everything we attempt to do. It’s
conditions. So, if we can detect
not always a reasoned way of
the negativity in us, we should try
thinking, but a negative way of
looking at it is also not rational in and attenuate its magnitude
any way. Moreover, when all of rather than lament about it,
our processes of reasoning and which would only allow it to
expectations of outcomes are
nothing but ‘motivated Some specific ways of dealing
reasoning’ as formal logic is not with our negativity, are:
applicable to expecting life
Analysing and understanding
outcomes, why be negatively
the “self “:
motivated? In simple terms, if we
need to believe in some sort of a We need to ask yourself” why we
‘destiny ‘, we can focus on its perceive things negatively and
positive aspects as we already also find solutions to the
know it is unpredictable. questions that we raise. There is
a process called ‘introspection ‘
Nowadays, the word “negativity
that deals with analysing our own
“seems to be used, rather lightly,
self. We should pay enough heed
by netizens and other people
to ourselves and seek the reasons
during normal conversations and
as to why we feel negative. But
people often have the tendency
not everyone is always positive.
to equate their negativity with So, it’s okay to not be okay. So
depression or anxiety. However, we need to empathise with
the reality is , negativity can refer ourselves. But at the same time,
to dysfunctional thoughts, having knowledge about both
schemas, cognitive distortions our negative and positive
but ‘anxiety ‘ and ‘ depression ‘
thoughts, is important.
are clinical disorders with explicit
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