Page 39 - Mousumi
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                                                                 stupid’’,’’ I am not loved’’.   After
                                                                 the  analysis  of  A-B-C,  we  can
                    Controlling              emotions,
                                                                 eliminate  these  negative  beliefs
                    mastering the mind :
                                                                 from  our  belief  system  and  can
                    Robin Sharma says in one of his              think  more  positively  from  then
                    books,  ‘’  Mind  is  a  wonderful           on.
                    servant  but  a  terrible  master.  “        Believing  in  the  power  of
                    It’s quite an inspiring quote as it          positivity  to  overpower  the
                    clearly  conveys  the  need  to              negativity:
                    master  our  minds.  One  of  the            A  principle  called  ‘  Reciprocal

                    keys to be a master of our minds             Inhibition’,  widely  used  in
                    would      be     monitoring       our       behaviour  therapies,  states  that
                    emotions.  We  can  relax  and               the  presence  of  two  mutually
                    pacify  ourselves  whenever  we              opposite  forces   at  the  same
                    feel  anxious  ,  or  negative  about        time,  inhibits  the  weaker  force  .
                    something. Creative Visualisation            If we  apply this principle to our
                    is  a  very  powerful  technique,            system of thinking our lives will
                    which  happens  to  expand  our              get  even  simpler.  We  need  to

                    power  of  imagination  and  also            strengthen our positive thoughts
                    endows       us    with     immense          so  that  they  inhibit  the  negative
                    happiness  that  would  eventually           ones and hence our positivity will
                    efface  the  dark  clouds  of                be triumphant.
                    negative thoughts.                           Having  reached  the  zenith  of
                                                                 positivity, we would discover that
                    Following the A-B-C pattern:
                                                                 no longer we have to search for
                    The       A-B-C        stands      for       the lighted path but we can even
                    Antecedent,               Behaviour,         see the light in the darkness and
                    Consequences,  a  technique  of              light  up  the  darkest  days.  It
                    analysis  given  by  Albert  Ellis,  a       might sound like a ‘legerdemain ‘
                    renowned  psychologist,  and  it  is         of words that is  of no meaning

                    widely     used      in     Cognitive        in  the  ‘real’  world,  but  it   is
                    therapies.  We  can  analyse  our            absolutely  true  if  we  can  be
                    own      negative      emotions       (
                                                                 effective  in  dealing  with  our
                    consequence)  by  means  of
                    knowing the  trigger (antecedent)
                                                                 And  if  we  follow  the  ways,
                    of     a     particular      negative
                                                                 described  above  and  have  the
                    behaviour. The trigger  can be an
                                                                 essential willpower, we definitely
                    irrational  belief  like  ‘’I  am

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