Page 54 - Mousumi
P. 54
because they have some talent we restraints of society these people
do not believe is common. They fight to the top claiming something
end up in a circus and asylums most the normal people only dream of. In
of the time. this journey they colour the sky in
their own shade leaving an
Another uncommon species of impression of their landscape in the
people might be the specially-abled. hearts of future adventurers.
Despite being unfairly blessed they
are expected to function like a Yes such people do exist. Most
standard human being and for the well-known examples are Elon
most part they hold her own against Musk and Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam.
all difficulties. Still they are human They have proven time and again
and any humans break when treated that they make the trend. You
with such levels of injustice. The would not have expected the
biggest hurdle though, is the missile man of India to be the
behaviour of their own community greatest symbol of peace for the
towards them. They look at them country if it wasn‟t for APJ Abdul
with pity and remorse in their eyes. Kalam. Neither would have any one
This kind of behaviour is most thought that a car manufacturer
humiliating to any and every. would be able to rival NASA in the
Wouldn‟t you agree that despite field of space exploration. Despite
any level of problem one may be all the odds stacked against them
facing, everyone deserves a feeling they elegantly paved a way to do
of equality from their fellow the impossible. They are truly the
countrymen? I surely do. people with extraordinary
Then there come the exceptions.
People with a meristematic persona We humans have too short of a life
who feel different from the crowd. to be able to leave an impression
They have a different aura from the without achieving impressive feats.
rest. People who are inspired way So, to be remembered in future we
too much to be bound by any limits. have to stand out of the rest. We
People who set the trend. People have to be more than ordinary. For
who inspire. They are an example, consider World War 2.
extraordinary. With an agenda too There were thousands if not
complex to grasp and plans too millions of deaths in it but do we
complicated to fail, they carve their even have records of them all? I
way to success. Despite the suppose not. Though the death of
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