Page 53 - Mousumi
P. 53
By Reena Yadav
extraordinary is considered a
In layman terms ordinary refers to remark, even a praise. It signifies
something normal, something that the meaning of something more
is not special. When referred to a than just ordinary.
person it‟s the most negative and
pessimistic way of calling someone What‟s wrong with being normal,
undeserving of something more one may ask. Nothing, actually
than they currently possess. It‟s a being abnormal in our society is
pretentious way of calling someone nothing less than a curse. In this
unworthy in the most disrespectful society most of the people deemed
manner. On the other hand not normal are labelled freaks. We
extraordinary is a surprisingly as a society have a lot of guilt on
deceiving term. Don‟t you think an our hands for that very reason.
adjective placed before a negative Social outcasts like local
word would bring out a word that is ventriloquists get no acceptance in
super negative. On the contrary our so-called “normal society” just
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