Page 52 - Mousumi
P. 52
of your life. Change today and the fan. There are certain things in
create a better tomorrow. life that we can‟t do anything
about so why bother worrying
If you are prone to negative about them? Contemplate instead
visualization then give yourself a on the stuff that you can do
pat on the back. Protective something about and you will be
pessimism is creative and wise. It putting your pessimism to good
lessens the blow when it comes. use. Visualize the worst case
Contrary to common belief, it is scenario and if there is absolutely
not a form of contemplation. If anything that you can do to
worry is emotional then prepare yourself for it then do it.
contemplation is logical. If you are Last but not the least it‟s all a
stressed over something, why non game of your mindset or the way
contemplate rather than worry and you observe things around you.
ask yourself is probably the wisest
question that you can pose to
yourself when the proverbial hits
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