Page 51 - Mousumi
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hopelessness and catastrophic ● Spend time for your soul, heart,
thinking that are part of depression and subconscious. Bring all these
or anxiety. We have all been there at one point.
a breakup, homesickness, illness, ● See good things, spend time with
betrayal, jobless, a biological good people
illness or a lifetime of little ● Change your body language
assaults/empathic flaws on the part ● Take your old records of
of caregivers takes a toll. It is very achievements and skim over it.
difficult to smile when you want a ● Make a mirror as your best friend.
cry and it is a great relief when you
can tell someone what is actually Life always has ups and downs.
going on. All this to mention that Every situation will pass away. All
the „negative‟ person could also be puzzles have a solution. In the
a suffering person and will use course of finding the solution, you
reach-out instead of stay-away , if get slacked. Even at the last stroke
their despair shows up within the of the hit, you can get gold.
form of irritability or even Never fix our minds with negative
hostility, it may be worth trying to words. Our actions are the xerox
perceive the deeper issues. It might of our thoughts. Divert your mind
help them personally, enhance the whenever it pushes you down. One
interpersonal dynamic and improve single encouragement from our
the milieu loved one changes our whole day.
How to avoid your pessimism: So, let that one be you. Your first
● Wake up early in the morning. love should be you. Start from
Before cleaning your mind, clean "I". Yes! you are the one who is
your body. Make yourself fresh going to change yourself for you.
and steady. You are not going to live for
● A simple exercise can make you others. Live for you, change for
feel fresh and energetic. you, do what you love, and love
● Get out of the box and interact what you do. Have an idea of
with people. yourself. Think and outline your
● Pen down the things which make future. Plan your work and work
you feel down. your plan. Try everything. Never
● Try to bring a solution to it. miss even a single drop of
● Analyze yourself. Find what you opportunity. Grab it whenever it
like and dislike. knocks the door. Believe in what
● If you can't bring confidence you do. Make sure your acts make
then talk to yourself. Open your you and your surroundings
mouth and voice out to yourself. felicitous. Never underestimate
Let your voice hear your mind yourself. You are the torchbearer
and soul.
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