Page 140 - Mousumi
P. 140
Till 5 class I was a very popular how work is to be done by head
face of my school, everyone knew boy and my name was written as
me because I was good in both the best student and head boy of
academics and smart activities. But the decade, and I achieved what I
when I reached 6 class, due to dreamt of.
some family issues and my
asthmatic problem, I lost focus on So through this I only want to tell
everything in school. My health you that it makes you lose
was very critical during that time confidence but you have to
and till 9 class slowly I became understand that you are not a loser
invisible to almost everyone, now and need to recognize the way to
no one knows me as a topper but gain your confidence, my way and
as a person with no confidence. my motivation was my teacher,
Suddenly my life was changed by your way or motivation can be
my 10 class teacher, she stood anything. But you have to
by me and motivated me to do recognize that.
everything which I used to do Now how can you gain confidence,
earlier. And because of her here are some tips:
motivation I got 87% on the 10
and everyone was shocked. That ● Recognize your strengths.
Reward and praise yourself for
time I realized that if I could do your efforts and progress.
this then there is nothing which is When you stumble on an obstacle,
impossible for me.
treat yourself with kindness and
So next year in 11 class I gave compassion.
my name for head boy. Before the ● Don‟t dwell on failure.
interview many students told me ● Set realistic and achievable
that you can‟t be a head boy but I goals. Do not expect perfection;
didn‟t demotivate myself. After the it is impossible to be perfect in
interview the next day I became every aspect of life.
the head boy of MAHARISHI ● Slow down when you are feeling
VIDYA MANDIR RATANPUR intense emotions and think
SCHOOL (2019-20). logically about the situation.
● Challenge making assumptions
And those who were saying that I about yourself, people and
can‟t be a head boy, they all gave situations.
me salute and clapped for me and ● Recognize that past negative life
whole year I showed everyone that experiences do not dictate your
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