Page 138 - Mousumi
P. 138
of grief to the shore of a new negative thoughts, past, people with
beginning. thinking attack you. Be your own
master and self repairing agent and
Life is too short to lag and be rebuild yourself.
discouraged. So, you have to keep
trying and keep going. Rebuilding Rebuilding yourself is not a single
yourself after being broken is day process. As weathering of
beautiful. There are various ways to rocks, formation of mountains all
rebuild your life and the most takes time in the same way
important and foremost is BE rebuilding also takes time. And
FIRM! Don't go backward. You remember, there is always a
have to remind yourself that you creative way to resume and get
have decided to move forward. You back to track. Make your life
should adopt a positive lifestyle by fruitful and don't give the power of
having access to motivational changing yourself on the other
quotes, books, movies, people etc. hand. Rebuild yourself the way you
Try to engage yourself in the want to by dedication, patience,
activities of your interest and help guts, firmness, confidence. No
others to lift and by lifting others matter what the situation is or
up one day you will lift yourself. uncertainty going on. Always stand
Work on your inner strength and up, big dream and rise. When you
self potential and get negativity out are able to overcome it, then you
of the mind as walking away from will realize that turning the page is
unhealthy things is bravery. Shift the best feeling in the world. The
attention from problems to book is much better than the page
solutions and exert your 100% in you were stuck on.
every work which you carry
whether big or small. Find and try ***
to steal happiness from every single
moment of life and don't let your
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