Page 136 - Mousumi
P. 136


               „Paper  has  more  patience  than                day  and  can  still  enjoy  those

               People‟.                                         precious moments 10 years later.

               The best part about explaining your               Sometimes,  it‟s  just  more  than

               hitch  to  your  little  friend  is  that         lame and vague issues. There is an
               while you write, you spontaneously                era in a person‟s life when one is

               get the way out. Some things are so               just not happy with the way she is
               depressing and despondent that it is              living  the  life.  In  that  case,  one
               difficult to share it even with your              must  take  time  and  explain  what

               closed ones.                                      are the things that seem wrong in
                                                                 her life and what are the alternate
               It is difficult to write regularly and            solutions  to  it  in  about  3-5  diary

               process  your  every  little  thought.            entries.  Finally,  examine  the
               Thus, it is preferable to write only              entries carefully and make a list of

               when  one  has  time  and/or  a                   things  that  will  help  them  live
               collection of thoughts to jot down.
                                                                 their  life  in  a  comparatively

               Adding to the pros of writing, It is              desired  way.  Once  the  person
               something       that     makes      you           knows  what  is  wrong  and  how  it

               intimately  observe  the  changes  in             can  be  resolved,  it  does  not  take
               the  way  you  deal  with  challenges             much      more      than     a    little
               as  you  grow  up.  It  is  a  healthy            determination  to  bring  changes

               activity that makes you grow up to                that are salubrious.
               have  an  amazing  personality.                  To  conclude,  there  is  no  situation

               Imagine  reading  your  diary  as  a             that  you  cannot  tackle  once  you
               parent  of  when  you  were  a                   pour feelings on the pages that stay

               teenager.  You‟ll  get  to  know  how            silent,  but  still  give  you  just  the
               your mind worked then and it will
               guide  you  with  your  parenting                idea you wanted to know.

               style.  You  can  share  the  most                                 ***
               memorable  and  worth  mentioning

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