Page 144 - Mousumi
P. 144
dirty. We know how plastics are a problems and there I go with the
threat to nature because we are help of my fellow volunteers to
educated but most of the people are solve it. The very next day we got a
unaware of these basic concepts gathering of the village children.
and this is our responsibility to Provided them a pair of gloves and
make them understand. By the end a sack, making them understand
of the survey we came to a that we need to get all the plastic
conclusion that the people of this trash in the sack and gather back
village area were not much after completion keeping in mind
concerned about the matter of that the plastic bottles and packets
environmental degradation and the should be put separately in the
harmful effects these waste can sacks. Over the completion we
have on their soil after years. gathered with more than 30 bags of
trash and discussed the scheme
Also after the results of the final with the children.
survey we faced a serious
challenge. During the survey we Here it goes:
also made them aware of the waste 1. First of all we need to separate
management techniques, but what the bottles according to their size
challenged us is their problem of and shape.
money. They explained to us how 2. Secondly we will take out the
they don‟t have money to buy trash from the sacks.
dustbins if one dustbins of plastic 3. Thirdly we need to take a stick
breaks or if bamboo dustbins get which can get through the bottle
destroyed. Moreover if they cannot
buy a dustbin for their own house 4. Fourthly we started to put all the
trash inside the bottle by opening
how can they afford for their the bottle cap.
streets. We thought of providing 5. Fifthly we need to take the stick
them dustbins but we didn‟t and press the trash hard so that
possess any kind of funding with it gets settled down nicely and
us, also if we provide the one how make the bottle tight like a brick
long will it last?1 or a more year? after its completion.
This challenge was critical but at 6. After the completion of making
last I remember a facebook post I an eco brick by putting the trash
saw a month ago. A school made of inside the bottle we bought a
trash. This was an end to our bag of cement and a bag of sand
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