Page 147 - Mousumi
P. 147
frustrating, and it‟s easy to assume understands you and make you
the worst feel special. No one has ever
made themselves great by
If someone ignores you, just degrading others. Just forget and
because they don‟t like your move on!
way of style or because of the
decisions you make in life, then Make them feel that you don‟t
it‟s undoubtedly not your fault. simply care and have moved on
It is your life to make your with this thing. Don‟t let them
decisions. Don‟t blame yourself for know that you are hurt. Always
their behavior. No one is keep smiling, not only in front
perfect. Real friends are those who of them but in reality too. Never
accept your flaws and direct you to compromise with your self-
a good way. respect. Knowing that you were
hurted may give them pleasure. Let
us not make way for it.
Let me illustrate an example.
This is actually the thing that
happened in my own life. I had
lots and lots of friends at
school. And it‟s been just a year
that I completed my schooling.
At school, we were all having a
If the person who ignores you is not whale of a time. My school days
the one you care about, then it were overwhelmed with joy, with
is better not to worry about their all my favourite persons around.
such activities. Just ignore it. As time passed, my days at
Ignore the haters. Stop lingering school got over. And I had to
around such people because they take my career to the next level.
aren't doing any good for you in As we were directed to different
any way. Find new friends, streams, our friendship did not
Interact with new people. work out well. In fact, we were
not on good terms. I had to take
It stinks to be ignored. But don‟t my own decisions on life. So, I did
stress over things you can‟t change. not opt for their opinions.
You will find someone who
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