Page 150 - Mousumi
P. 150


               Mom came in. She said in a hushed                we have no concern for others. What
               tone,  "Dear,  your  dad  married  me,           are the main requirements for a good

               and we signed the prenup.                        relationship? Never lie. Never cheat.
                                                                Cooperate  with  each  other.  Never
               He  was  waiting  for  the  very  same           make  promises  you  cannot  keep.  It
               day.  DIVORSE.  A  fight  and                    is simple, but we humans make each
               everything  just  banish.  GOD!  She             and  everything  complex.  We  lack

               burst  into  tears.  I  WISHED  IT               human  feelings.  We  want  success-
               WERE  A  DREAM  BUT  IT                          the ultimate goal in our life.
               WASN'T. Everything scattered. The
               valid reason given for the separation            Life  is  like  a  boat.  People  hoard

               was-  'Constant  ARGUING.'  It  has              money  and  fame  as  these  both
               now  been  ten  years  since  we  have           ingredients are MUST as they form

               talked. Life is a race, and we need to           the  oars  of  the  boat.  The  people
                                                                who live with you, who are our dear
               keep  going  even  if  you  are  too             ones, are the loads you are going to
               exhausted  for  it.  No  matter  what            carry with you in the boat. During
               mental or physical condition you are             movement,  people  head  towards

               going  through,  you  need  to  step             success:  the  ultimate  goal.  As  you
               along  with  the  usual  crowd.                  row  the  boat,  you  get  money  and
               Relationships are like glass. Once it            fame  as  the  BY-PRODUCT.  You

               is broken, you cannot have the same              level  up  each  and  every  time,  and
               piece  again.  That  entire  day,  I  can        so  your oars get  more  durable and
                                                                more  robust.  But  you  need  to  row
               never  recall,  as  it  passed  into             the boat really fast as the boat has

               oblivion.  I  have  moved  on  in  my            got its life span and it may wear up
               life.                                            anytime.  To  row  fast,  you  need  to
                                                                make  the  boat  less  bulky,  and  so,
                                                                what  the  people  do  is,  they  drop

                                                                down  some  of  their valuable loads
                                                                in the perils of water. YOU NEED
                                                                TO  KEEP  GOING.  YOU  CAN
                                                                NOT  PAUSE.  We  can  sacrifice
                                                                anything  and  everything  for  the
                                                                AMBROSIA  of  life.  WELCOME
                                                                to the race. We are deaf, dumb, and
                                                                blind           to           others.NO
               ARE  WE  HUMANS?  I  BELIEVE
               WE  ARE  HOARDERS.WE  hoard                      RELATIONSHIPS.             WE      ARE
               money and fame for our benefit, our

               development.  We  are  so  blind  that

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