Page 58 - Mousumi
P. 58
It seems you originally had sung this if then try listening to songs and take
song. Try to discover the inner out the most beautiful lines you love
meaning of the music because it is to listen from that and keep it
said that “Music reaches your soul”. separately. Merge those lines together
Earlier we did not usually know the and use synonyms instead of the real
better meaning of the song but used words. Try keeping it simple and
to sing the lyrics with the flow of the attach things from your daily life if
melody, But now since you have a lot possible. Look around you and start
of time doing nothing you could noticing the simplest of things and
actually have a simple knowledge of noting them down. Observe the
the meanings of the lyrics you could infinite blue sky, the bright night sky
feel it. Maybe you could relate them with the touch of the moon or the
with your life too, who knows. You glowing of the stars could help you
do not really have to know the bring up some of the lines of your
meaning of the whole song ora lot of song. If want to dedicate the song to
songs in a day that becomes boring. your close ones, be it your mother,
Try doing it alternatively in a week or father or a ‘special’ one, attempt one
so. I believe this is a great way to thinking about their smallest of details
spend some time in your quarantine. that mesmerizes you. Keep the lyrics
Another way I could suggest to you. closely related with your life. Picturing
Those who are quite learned in them in your mind could easily bring
playing guitar, piano or any sort of about a lot of things to write. This
musical instrument could hear out lines could be in a form of a song a
this idea. The amateurs or novice story but if it does accomplishes your
people can give it worth a shot too. feelings when someone listens to it
Try to come up with original things. then surely people will respect it.
The world is in dire need of it. This Now, for the tuning part, this part is
means attempting in making a song of easy if you have heard a lot of songs.
your own. It basically very simple but Your song does not necessarily have
it has to be given it a lot of time to to all of the new tones or melody. If
settle. Giving up easily would not you are using a guitar for example; try
really work but once if you make a using different chord progressions
song of your own, people will and find out a melody. If you use the
appreciate a lot and a sense of pride same chords for the first two lines, try
will definitely arise among you and to change one of them. Slowly and
your family. Firstly work on the lyrics, steadily search for a tone or a scale
take time and start to come up with that would match your voice and the
some lines from a poem or your own. lyric.
It is completely fine if you are blank,
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