Page 60 - Mousumi
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                    clear,   why      I   believe,    that       can  examine  ourselves  doing
                    visualization is  such  a  valuable          something.      So,  well-being  is
                    tool.                                        achieved by pragmatic actions. Do
                                                                 all  possible  things  that  make  us
                    Another  therapeutic  thing  to  do          feel mellow!
                    is, to take a moment and think of
                    all the wonderful things that make           To feel mellow, the most primary
                    us  who  we  are.  Let  everything           requirement and the easiest way is
                    around  us,  begin  and  end  on  a          to surround ourselves with optimistic
                    positive  note.  To  create  the             people. As  a  saying  goes,  we  are
                    happiness of our own, we need to             known  by  the  company  we  keep.
                    be  happy  in  your  skin.  It  is  a        Recognize  that  we  are  significantly
                    simple  formula  that  solves  the           influenced  in  many  ways  by  the
                    complications  of  life.  Accept  the        people around us. The best predictor
                    past that we hold and the present            of  our  happiness  is  not  money,  nor
                    we  have  to  create  the  future  we        even  health,  but  the  strength  of  our
                    wish.  Own  the  flaws,  because  the        relationships and the amount of time
                    more  we  know  our  flaws  the              spent  with  loved  ones.  “Here’s  the
                    closer we are to ourselves self and          fun  part,  according  to  me,  to
                    self-improvement  is  not  a  task           enhance  the  feeling  of  joy  within
                    anymore.  Here’s  a  trick,  if  we          you,  the  key  is  to  connect  with
                    don’t  find  anything  beautiful             someone younger than you”.
                    about our self, get a better mirror,
                    look  a  little  longer  because  our        What  pulls  you  down  from  being
                    body  is  our  home.  If  you  make          happy, now?
                    our  self  a  good  home,  we  will
                    create the happiness of our own.             Unhappiness is our ego playing tricks
                                                                 on us. The ego convinces us that we
                    "Action     speaks     louder     than       are  not  good  enough,  we  don't
                    words"                                       deserve  it,  we  hate  certain  things  or
                                                                 certain people, but all of those are lies
                    Coupled with positive thoughts is            that hold our hostage. We mirror each
                    a  positive  action.  For  example,  if      other  and  it’s  our  ego  making  the
                    we  are  told  to  control  our              illusion  that  fuels  that  type  of
                    breathing  for  about  five  minutes,        thinking.
                    most  of  us  will  fail  to  do  so,  but
                    on the other hand, if we're told to
                    raise  our  hands  for  five  minutes
                    straight  we  all  would  show  better       *****************************
                    results.  This  happens  because  we
                     Our choice, what are we going to do?

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