Page 54 - Mousumi
P. 54
By Monomousumi Correspondent
1 3 4 1. What starts with ‘e’, ends with ‘e’
and has only one letter? (8)
5 9 10 11 2. A dead body eats something, if you
6 eat it you will die. (7)
12 4. What should be broken before use?
7 13 (3)
14 5. What can you catch but never
15 throw? (4)
8 6. What can fill an entire room
16 without taking space? (5)
7. I can be written, I can be spoken, I
DOWN: can be exposed, and I can be broken.
2. What is it a child can make but no
one can see? (5) 8. Which word when read upside-
down gives the same meaning? (5)
3. How many fingers do you have? (5)
14. Which flowers are on your lips?
9. What goes up but never comes (5)
down? (3)
15. I am long when new and short
10. I have lakes but no water; cities when
but no buildings. (3)
16. What do you serve but never eat?
11. What has many teeth, but can’t
bite? (4)
12. What has one eye, but cannot see?
13. What travels around the world
staying in a corner? (5)
Page 52