Page 144 - Mousumi
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&relationships and can easily detach Before I dive into talking about this
from others. topic further - DO NOT let 'self-
Fearful-avoidantattachment: acceptance' become a reason for
People with this attachment are afraid your unhealthy and unproductive
of being too distant lifestyle.
Or too close to a person. Their tactics A recent survey found that only 2%
to avoid anxiety might end up being of women in the world would
an emotional roller-coaster for them. describe themselves as "beautiful."
They can even be overwhelmed by Young girls are greatly affected by
their own emotions. Thus, becoming this. They are dissatisfied with their
emotionally unpredictable. looks and often opt severe behavior
in an attempt to make theirbodies to
Negative peers: "fit into" an unrealistic standard
of beauty.
Peer groups are adolescents of a
similar age. According to a study, peer Eating disorders have flourished in
groups contributed 34.9% of this beauty-driven society. Several
students' self-esteem, while the young girls and women hate their
remaining 65.1% were influenced by bodies. This can be dangerous as it
other factors. It is a studied fact that leads to mental health problems, such
peer acceptance can be an as depression. The person may feel
especially valuable source of self- compelled to pursue unnecessary
esteem when closeness to parents surgeries too.
is low as it may reduce the negative
impact of the low-quality relationships Negative thought pattern
with parents. andNegative belief:
Body image: We view the world through our
mental attitude. If our attitude is
Body image is with what perception predominantly negative, it can impact
a person looks at himself/herself in everything, including health, career,
the mirror. A negative body image family, and more. We should not
may be contributed by- family, define our self-worth with
cultural expectations, or even our accomplishments because if we
friend circle. continue such a habit then we may
soon spiral down to depression.
Do you feel uncomfortable and
awkward in your own body? Do you The habit of being humble has been
find yourself frequently comparing confused with self-deprecation by
yourself with others and feel many. Not only Self-deprecating habit
inadequate doing so? Irrespective of is unattractive but it also affects our
gender, if answers to these questions mental health. Our subconscious
are yes then, there are chances that mind is under the total control of our
you have body dysmorphic disorder. conscious mind. The employer
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