Page 139 - Mousumi
P. 139
By Jabish Prajapati
Family which makes mental health
problems a Public Health crisis.
As we all know, Health is the most
important wealth known to mankind.
But the negligence and perception of
mental health in our society are
beyond baffling. According to the
study by our world in data for 2017,
around 792 million people lived with
some sort of mental disorder. This is
about 10.7% of the world population.
The whole world is going through
And with this global Covid-19
the toughest of times. Due to the
pandemic, this number is bound to
Covid-19 pandemic which has increase at a rapid rate. Since most of
affected around 213 different us are locked 24/7 in our household,
countries and territories, it's safe to
it is very easy to fall under some sort
say the entire world is facing a
of depression or anxiety. The worst
situation never seen before. The
thing regarding mental illness is most
magnitude of this catastrophe goes of them go unnoticed? So how can
way beyond thousands of human we avoid such terrible conditions and
deaths or worldwide economic make our life as fulfilling and
meltdown. Since most of the
enjoyable as it can be?
countries have imposed nation-wide
lockdown, the mental toll it has taken Remember the movie Godfather,
on the human population goes when Don Vito Corleone said "A
beyond any scientific data or records. man who doesn't spend time with
In this day and age, when so much his family can never be a real
thought goes towards our physical man", well this lockdown provides
body and appearance, our attention you the perfect opportunity to remedy
towards mental health usually lags. that. In this day and age full of hustle
And with this catastrophic global and bustle, we usually disregard some
pandemic, millions of people are basic values of our life. Spending time
facing a massive economic and with your family members may very
financial crisis. Several others are well be the perfect ingredient for
facing life and death situations quality and healthy life. Cracking a
relating to their few jokes with your father or helping
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